Paddling The Margins After five years of planning, preparation and training, Jack sets out on his most ambitious kayaking project yet. Paddling The Margins follows the journey to paddle unsupported over 2,000 kilometers...
Sleeping Giants Sleeping Giants explores Iceland's coastline by paddle. Join two sea kayakers as they experience intimate wildlife encounters, paddling under dramatic towering cliffs, surfing in blizzards and gliding past icebergs.
Rio Pusuno: Meet the Community Ecuador is well-known amongst whitewater kayakers as a paradise. Generations of Ecuadorians like Diego Robles have found their life’s passion in paddling and guiding the rivers in their backyard. But...
Paddle Tribal Waters ll: Bring the Salmon Home After a successful summer program in 2022, the Paddle Tribal Waters initiative welcomes a new cohort of Indigenous youth into their beginner kayaking program.
Near The River In the tourism town of Livingstone, Zambia, a group of local men who make their living portering kayaks aspire to become safety kayakers on the Zambezi River. Meanwhile, the proposed...
Life Downstream: The Story of the Wabigoon River At first glance, the Wabigoon River appears to be a playground for whitewater kayakers. But hidden beneath the surface lies a story of one of the worst cases of mercury...
How To Stern Squirt Your Kayak This film details a step-by-step progression of how to do a version of the stern squirt. This is a fun advanced kayaking maneuver that has many variations.
Beyond The Salish Two kayakers take on a once-in-a-lifetime journey along the Pacific Coast of Vancouver Island, paddling into relentless waves, unpredictable weather, and the uncharted depths of their fears. The duo finds...