Save Solace An environmental group embarks on a canoe trip to investigate the construction of a new logging road set to dissect the Solace Wildlands, the last unprotected and roadless forest in...
The Coppermine River This film features epic adventure and the allure of northern rivers. Join a group of new and experienced paddlers during a daring trip down the Coppermine River in 2023.
Renovating A Canoe While Running A Marathon In between all the dust and rot and problem-solving of giving a banged-up fleet canoe a new lease on life, Beau Miles runs around his paddock to complete a marathon....
Mi’kma’ki Gwitna’q Land Of The Mi'kmaw Travel By Canoe For the Mi’kmaq community of Miawpukek First Nation, reviving the birch bark canoe building tradition becomes a way to connect to the past and ensure cultural survival.
Canada Vertical Follow along on an eight-month ski, canoe and bike expedition covering an area equivalent to 19 percent of the Earth’s circumference. The journey travels from Ellesmere Island in Nunavut to...
A Canoe Perspective Jamie Barnes travels to Scotland with Canadian long-distance paddler Martin Trahan to paddle a small but formidable circuit in the Northern Highlands. However, a series of tribulations make their expedition even...