world tour schedule
United Albertan Paddling Society
Show Time: 6:30 PM
Ticket Price(s): $22.50 advance, $25 at the door
Tickets are being sold online at
In support of the United Albertan Paddling Society. Proceeds will be used towards purchasing kids paddling equipment & training volunteer instructors. Concession food & beer for purchase.
The Haw River Canoe & Kayak Co
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price(s): $18/Advance; $22/Door
Tickets available at: The Haw River Canoe & Kayak Co and
Colorado Whitewater Association
Show Time: 6:00 PM
Ticket Price(s): $20
Tickets are being sold at or at the theater box office
Yukon Canoe and Kayak Club
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $20
Tickets are available online or at the door.
Suntrail Source for Adventure
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $25 advance; $30/door or student $12 advance; $15/door
Tickets are available at: The Roxy Theatre Owen Sound, ON • 519-371-2833
Barrie Canoe & Kayak Club
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price(s): $15 online, $20 at the door
Tickets available at: BCKC website and at monthly General meetings or online at
Clear Waters Outfitting
Ticket Price(s): $20 advance/$25 door
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Short Film Winner, Devin Brown (Mother River) will join us as we kick off the paddling season with a showcase of great films! Drinks available to purchase. Doors open with Social hour at 6pm. Program begins at 7pm.
Freshwater Paddlers Symposium
Show Time: 7:00-9:30PM
Join fellow paddlesport enthusiasts for an evening of films @ Stage North.
The Freshwater Paddlers Symposium is thrilled to bring the 2025 Paddling Film Fest to the south shore. Guests will be eligible for a discounted rate at this year's Freshwater Paddlers Symposium, as well as opportunity drawings at the event. Watch cool films. Learn about this summer's event. Enhance your awareness about the Superior Rivers Watershed Association. Beverages will be available for purchase through venue host.
Ticket Price(s):
$15 General Public $7 Students - in advance
$20 General Public $10 Students - @ the door
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Online -
Medicine Hat Paddling Club
Show Time: 6:30 PM
Tickets: $20
Tickets available online with e-transfer @ MH Paddling Film Festival 2025
In support of the Medicine Hat Paddling Club for local Fun and Safety on the Water initiatives
St. Lawrence Valley Paddlers, Inc.
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $15 Adults in Advance, $20 Adults at the Door, $10 Students
Tickets available online and at the door.
In support of St. Lawrence Valley Paddlers, a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization formed to promote recreational paddling, recreational paddlesports racing, pro and amateur marathon racing, fitness through paddling, and conservation of our local waterways.
Utah Whitewater Gear
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $15
Tickets available at Utah Whitewater Gear Store and
Exciting prizes are up for grabs!
Ticket Price(s): $25 General Admission/$20 CKNS members/$10 youth 18 & under
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
CKNS annual fundraiser. Doors open 6:30 pm. Door prizes and hot chocolate available at intermission.
Proceeds shared between CKNS and the Southwest Paddlers Association.
Ticket Price(s): $25 General Admission/$20 CKNS members/$10 youth 18 & under
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
CKNS annual fundraiser. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Door prizes! Visit vendor and outfitter tables before the show.
Wilderness Supply
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $25
Tickets available at West End Cultural Centre and online at
Northern Latitudes
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $25 in advance, $30 at the door
Tickets available at Eventbrite, Northern Latitude Events and our gallery
Rotary Club of Sudbury Sunrisers
Show Time: 7 PM
Ticket Price(s): $25.00
Tickets available through the Rotary Club of Sudbury Sunrisers Contact: or (705)-690-8838
This event is in support of L ’Arche Sudbury, Independent Living Sudbury, and the All Abilities Paddle Program for the Sudbury Canoe Club. Proceeds will directly benefit these community programs. We would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support in making this event possible.
Vernon Paddle Centre
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $20.00
Tickets available at Bean Scene / Ratio Coffee House/ Vernon Paddle Club Members / Rail Trail Cafe
Vernon Paddle Club is an outdoor water recreation for people of all abilities. We also work together with Vernon Adaptive Paddlers, lead by Access Revolution who promote inclusive access to all persons.
Philemon Wright High School Outdoor Ed Program
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price(s): $18 advance / $20 door / $15 student
Place(s) where tickets are being sold: online and at Philemon Wright High School email
There will also be a silent auction in support of Philemon Wright HS Outdoor Ed program. donors to the silent auction get 2 free tickets to the festival!
Path of the Paddle Association
Show Time: 6:30 PM
Tickets: $15 advanced, $18 at the door
In support of Path of the Paddle Association. Amazing door prizes. Even better films.
Paddle Orillia
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $28
Tickets available at Orillia Opera House and online at
Show Time: 7 PM
Ticket Price(s): $25 General Admission/$20 CKNS members/$10 youth 18 & under
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Doors open 6:30 pm. Annual CKNS fundraiser. Door prizes and a silent auction on fantastic paddling I tems!
Canoe Kayak NB & 4 Directions Adventures
Show Time: 6:30 PM (Doors open at 6 PM)
Ticket Price(s): $10 adults, $5 students (12-17), $0 youth (0-12)
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Grand Traverse County Parks and Recreation
Show Time: 6:30 PM
Ticket Price(s): $12 advance/$15 at the door
Tickets can be purchased online at or through Paddle Antrim at Tickets are also available at Backcountry North (2820 N U.S. 31 South and
227 E. Front Street both located in TC), Brick Wheels (736 E Eighth St, TC), and Tank Space on 8th (1100 E.
Eighth Street, TC).
Smithers Whitewater Club
Show Time: 6:30 PM
Ticket Price(s):
$20 for members, $25 for non-members
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Aquabatics, Bugwood, Mountain Eagle Books
Fairbanks Paddlers with Epic Kayak Ultimate
Show Time: Doors open at 6 PM, show starts at 7 PM. We should be done by 10 PM.
Ticket Price(s): $10 advance/ $15 at door
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Beaver Sports, 3480 College Rd, Fairbanks, AK
There will be fabulous door prizes as always.
Outlandish Adventure Festival
Show Time: 6:00 PM
Ticket: $8 advance $10 door
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Ijams Nature Center
River Sports Outfitters
Knox Adventure Collective
Visit Knoxville
Kick off Knoxville's first Adventure Fest! Door Prizes! Beer and Food Trucks.
Climb, drive, bike or kayak on over! It's going to be a great weekend!
Friends of Palisades Kepler State Park at The Bijou Movie Theater
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price: $10 - general admission
Tickets are available online and at The Bijou Movie Theater.
In support of the Friends of Palisades Kepler State Park. The Friends of Palisades-Kepler State Park was
incorporated in 2018 to partner with and volunteer to preserve and protect the 840-acre state park in Linn
County, near the city of Mount Vernon. The park is located in a forested area on the bank of the Cedar
River marked by bluffs and ravines.
Montana Kayak Academy and Flathead River Alliance
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price(s): $15 Advance; $20 at the Door
Place(s) where tickets are being sold: Sportsman's Ski House, Lary's Fly and Supply
Support MKA and FRA's year long programs, amazing raffle and door prices, Donation based food and beverages available
Show Time: 6:00 PM
Ticket Price(s):
$15/Early Bird
$20/2 weeks prior to showing and at the door
Free for first 200 Colorado College Students and Faculty/Staff. (Note: Colorado College Students and Faculty/Staff must show Gold Card for entry)
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
At the Door
Proceeds from this event benefit UpaDowna. UpaDowna is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing access to outdoor adventures for all through programs and events that empower individuals, create healthier communties, and foster a respect for the environment. Arrive when doors open at 5pm to learn about more UpaDowna, Colorado College, and other local outdoor nonprofits serving Colorado Springs and El Paso County. Food and beverages will be available. Each attendee will have a opportunities throughout the evening to win various giveways!
Whitewater Ontario - Canoe and Kayak Associatio
Show Time: 8:00 PM
Venue: Haliburton Highlands Secondary School,
5358 Haliburton
County Rd 21
Haliburton, ON, K0M 1S0
United States
Ticket Price(s):
$20 in advance. $25 at the door
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Algonquin Outfitters Haliburton, and online
In support of introductory youth whitewater program at the Minden Whitewater Preserve and river gauge
at the Minden Whitewater Preserve
Atikokan - Path of the Paddle Association
Show Time: 7 PM
Tickets: $15
Path of the Paddle Association is excited to be hosting Atikokan's stop of the 2025 Paddling Film Festival. Join us on Sunday May 4th at The Gathering Place - 25 Rawn Rd. - for this in-person event, in celebration of the up coming paddling season! In addition to the curated films, we will have a special local film by our very own David Jackson of his journey paddling the whole Path of the Paddle in 2022! All proceeds go to support the ongoing portage and campsite maintenance of Path of the Paddle and The Gathering Place. Thank you for your support.
Water & Dirt Festival / Town of Petawawa
Show Time: 6:00 PM
Ticket Price(s):
$10 in advance, $15 at the door
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Town of Petawawa's EventBrite page
Event is being hosted in conjunction with Hell or High Water 2025 whitewater paddling race
Path of the Paddle Association
Show Time: 6:30 PM
Ticket Price(s):
$15 advanced (online), $18 at the door!
Outdoor film festival! Come support Path of the Paddle Association and enjoy some paddling inspiration
for the coming paddling season!
Kachemak Bay Water Trail
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price(s): $15 advance/$20 door
Place(s) where tickets are being sold: Online or at the door
Join us for Homer's first-ever Paddling Film Festival! Come enjoy amazing adventure films and support the Kachemak Bay Water Trail!
Trailhead Kingston and Belleville
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price(s):
$25 per person
In-person from Trailhead locations at:
262 Princess Street, Kingston, Ontario
365 N. Front Street, Belleville, Ontario
Whitewater Ontario - Canoe and Kayak Association
Show Time: 8:00 PM
Ticket Price(s):
$20 in Advance. $25 @ door
Tickets for sale online February 1. Proceeds for the 2nd event will fund a Gull River gauge that is publicly accessible online.
Algonquin Outfitters
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price(s): $20 Adult, $15 Youth
Place(s) where tickets are being sold: or at the theatre box office.
Fully licensed including seating.
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price(s): $15 Advance; $20 at the Door
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Arts Council of Big Sky
Show Time: Doors open at 6pm. Come early and grab dinner or a drink at the Waypoint. Screening begins at 7pm
Tickets: $15
Tickets are available online at
Collinsville Canoe & Kayak
Show Time: 7 PM
Tickets: $20
Purchase tickets online at or in our shop at 41 Bridge St, Collinsville, CT.
A benefit for the Farmington River Watershed Association. Made possible with generous support by the Farmington River Coordinating Committee and Brewery Legitimus. Professional sound provided by Chris Barba. Raffle with awesome prizes.
Saginaw County Park
Show Time: 8:30 PM
Ticket Price(s): Admission by Donation
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Admission by Donation. Novelty tickets can be picked up at Wm. H. Haithco Recreation Area or Saginaw
County Parks office at 111. S. Michigan Ave. Saginaw, MI 48602.
The Paddling Film Fest will be held on the beach of Wm. H. Haithco Recreation Area. Bring lawn chairs or
blankets for this outdoor experience.
Columbia Center for the Arts
Show Time: 6:30 PM
Ticket Price(s): $15
Tickets are being sold online at
Main Street Skowhegan
Tickets: $10
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
A showcase of local and river-related vendors, connect with the Skowhegan community, and celebrate our shared love for the outdoors. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the Skowhegan River Park project while immersing yourself in the river culture!
Blacksburg Parks and Recreation
Show Time: 6:30 PM
Ticket Price(s):
$15 in advance / $20 at the door
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Lyric Theater and online at
Lots of raffle prizes from local vendors and sponsors.
Lakeland Canoe Club
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
Brewery Arts, Kendal
Bar open before, in the interval and after the showing.
The Canadian Canoe Museum
Show Time: 7:00 PM (Door open at 5:30pm)
Ticket Price(s): $25
Place(s) where tickets are being sold: The Canadian Canoe Museum & online at
Beer and wine for purchase.
All proceeds go to support the Museum's youth canoe tripping program.
Princess Cinemas
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price: $20.00
Tickets are being sold online at
Door Prizes by Salus Marine Wear. Craft Beer Sponsor - Stockyards Brewing
Playhouse Cinema
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price: $20.00
Tickets are being sold online only at
Shark Island Paddles (Sydney, Australia)
Show Time: 6:00 PM
Ticket Price(s): $21 members, $29 non-members
Tickets available online via Bondi Beach Pavilion (via Humanitix)
In support of Shark Island Paddlers.
The licensed bar opens 1-hour pre-show and at intervals.
White Squall Ltd
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $25 adult and $10 student
Tickets available at Charles W. Stockey Centre Box Office
Canoe Kayak NB
Show Time: 6:30 PM • Doors open at 6:00 PM
Tickets: $20 general admission, $10 seniors/students
Tickets available at:
NEWP (Northeast Wisconsin Paddlers)
Show Time: 6:00 PM
Tickets: $15 advance, $20 at the door
Tickets available at
Door prizes! Food and beverages available! A portion of each ticket sold will help advance paddle sports
education and safety.
Valhalla Pure Outfitters Squamish
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $15
Tickets are available on Eventbrite
Get excited for a silent auction!
All proceeds from this event will be donated to RCMSAR.
Skärgårdsidyllen Kayak & Outdoor
Show Time: 4:00 PM
Tickets: 250 SEK
Tickets are available online at
We also invite you to a seminar with keynote speakers between 16-17, see the program online. After theseminar, you can mingle with our exhibitors, enjoy local food & drinks, play shuffleboard and get ready forthe movies. Great prizes will be awarded from our exhibitors and sponsors like a Guided winter kayak tourfrom Skärgårdsidyllen and more.
City Of Mission - Clarke Theatre
Show Time: 7:30 PM
Tickets: $15 Adults or $5 Students
Tickets available online at
NWT Recreation and Parks Association
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Ticket Price: $25
Tickets are available on NWTRPA's website.
ll proceeds from the 2025 Paddling Film Festival will go towards youth paddle programs in the NWT.
Show Time: 7:00 PM
Tickets: $15 advance/ $20 at door. Youth age 12 and under $5
Tickets available at:
All proceeds will benefit the work of MountainTrue. MountainTrue champions resilient forests, cleanwaters and healthy communities in the Southern Blue Ridge. We envision thriving communities in ourmountain region that are connected to and help sustain both each other and our natural environment.In the wake of Hurricane Helene, MountainTrue is dedicated to addressing the urgent needs of ourcommunity. With our deep roots in the area, strong partnerships, and a collaborative approach, we arecommitted to tackling the immediate crisis and laying the groundwork for a resilient future in WesternNorth Carolina and the Southern Blue Ridge.
Thompson Rivers University Students' Union and ThompsonRivers Interior Paddle Sports Club
Show Time: 5:30 PM
Tickets: $10 for TRU Students and $15 for General Admission
Tickets are available at: Independent Ticket Selling Platform - Ticket Tailor.
Join us early to buy beers and participate in the prize draws. Proceeds from the ticket sales shared as fundraiser for the Thompson Rivers Interior Paddle Sports Club and TRU Foundation to fund an award for TRU Student in the Adventure Program
Canoe Kayak NB
Event Date: Friday, February 21, 2025
Event Time: 6:30 pm • Doors open at 6:00 pm
Venue: Auditorium at Ecole Mathieu Martin School
511 rue Champlain Street,
Dieppe, NB, E1A 1P2
Ticket Price(s):
$15 adults, 10$ youth/students
Place(s) where tickets are being sold:
The Complete Paddler (Premiere)
To make the Film Festival more accessible to all attendees, The Complete Paddler is choosing to host the Premiere in house at our NEW LOCATION, over the course of three days where we will show the same winning films each night. We have loads of free overnight parking available.
The Premiere is a special event on the tour as it reveals the winners of each film category, unlike other hosts showing the festival, we only play the winners so the films will be a surprise!
We have some amazing door prizes this year included with each ticket! Door prizes will be handed out each night of the festival during intermission. We will also be offering a raffle prize this year, a brand new Prospector 15 SP3 canoe donated by The Complete Paddler and Nova Craft Canoes. The winner of the raffle prize will be announced on Monday February 24th on our website and social media pages! Raffle tickets will be sold separately for $5.00/each or $12.00 for x3 at the event or online.
One hundred percent of the night’s proceeds will be going directly to Project Canoe, a Toronto-based youth charity program which aims to foster a transformative environment for young people using the outdoors as a primary medium.
Tickets: $20/Advance. We will be selling out ahead of time so there will be no tickets left at the door. Advance tickets can be purchased at The Complete Paddler in person, over the phone (416) 255-6905, or here online. Your tickets will be waiting for you at the door if you purchase over the phone or online. Advanced tickets will be available until 1pm Thursday February 20th.
Location: The Complete Paddler, 2045 Dundas St, E. Mississauga ON, L4X 1M2
Time: Doors/bar open at 6:00pm, event will begin at 7:00pm. Come early and mingle with like minded paddlers!
Intermission: 20 minute intermission halfway through the films.
Raffle Prize: Raffle tickets can be purchased at the event or online, the raffle winner will be announced Monday February 24th on our website and social media pages.
Door Prizes: Your event ticket is your door prize ticket so do not lose it! . Door prizes will be announced during intermission each night.
Films: All three nights will feature the same films, the winners of the 2025 Paddling Film Festival.
2025 film Selection
See the incredible line up of Paddling Films for this year.
Tour schedule
Currently booked to host this year’s World Tour
Our Partners